
A paediatric allergy, immunology and infectious diseases (PAIID) specialist is a clinician who works across all paediatric age groups to investigate, diagnose and manage infectious, immunological and allergic disorders - find out more about this sub-specialty.

Volunteering opportunity

CSACs - volunteering opportunities

Closing date
The College Specialty Advisory Committees supervise the development and delivery of sub-specialty training. There are currently opportunities for a Trainee Representative on the Community Child Health CSAC, Paediatric Emergency Medicine ISAC, Rheumatology CSAC, Paediatric Inherited Metabolic Medicin...

Paediatricians reassure parents MMR vaccines are lifesaving, and call on government to publish overdue vaccination strategy

On Tuesday 1 February, UKHSA published concerning data that the UK once again has not met the WHO targets for Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccination, and indeed the situation is getting worse, with now 1 in 10 children over the age of 5 at risk of measles.