OPEN UK (Organisation of Paediatric Epilepsy Networks in the UK)

OPEN UK is a clinical network connecting NHS Health Boards and Trusts that provide care for children with epilepsies with regional epilepsy networks and a UK Working Group.
OPEN UK: Organisation of Paediatric Epilepsy Networks in the UK (logo)


OPEN UK aims to unite children's regional and national epilepsy networks to improve integrated care for children and young people with epilepsies, and has representation from all regional epilepsy networks.

It also aims to:

  • encourage collaboration and sharing of regional and national ideas, pilots, and resources
  • be a national resource and professional UK body to which other organisations may come for information, support, data and strategic or clinical input
  • facilitate links to local, regional and national funding bodies.

The current chair of the OPEN UK Working Group is Dr Richard Brown.

You can download the terms of reference below.

Membership of OPEN UK

Network (acronym) Network (full name)

Network Lead(s)

EQIP Advisory Group (see below information about EQIP)


British Paediatric Epilepsy Group

Suresh Pujar

Sara Aylett



Birmingham Regional Paediatric Neurology Forum

Ramiah Ramalakshmi 

Vacant post


Children's Epilepsy Workstream in Trent

Maria Moran

Rachael Wheway


Eastern Paediatric Epilepsy Network

Arun Saraswatula

Carolyn McAskill,  Jill Conium


Mersey and North Wales Network 'Epilepsy in Childhood' Interest Group

Neisha Dunbar-Creasey

Jim Pauling

Laura Neely

NI Northern Ireland

Lesley-Ann Funston

Clare Loughran



North Thames Paediatric Epilepsy Network

Amit Bali

Emma Hassan


North West Children and Young People's Epilepsy Interest Group

Sri Nagesh Panasa

Amanda Hirst


Oxford Region Epilepsy Interest Group

Bolutito Akinbiyi

Alison Mollett

PENNEC Paediatric Epilepsy Network for the North East and Cumbria

Anita Devlin

Ramesh Kumar

Ian Webster


South East Thames Paediatric Epilepsy Group

Dionysios Grigoratos

Amanda Tomalin


Scottish Paediatric Epilepsy Network

Andreas Brunklaus



South Wales Epilepsy Forum

Silvia Sanchez Marco

Victoria Currigan

Vacant post


South West Interest Group Paediatric Epilepsy

Andrew Lux

Debbie Dean


South West Thames Paediatric Epilepsy Group

Samantha Chan

Vacant post


Trent Epilepsy Network

Suhail Habib

Vacant post


Wessex Paediatric Neurosciences Network

Andrea Whitney

Sharon Seton

YPEN Yorkshire Paediatric Epilepsy Network

Sandhya Jose

Christine Bennett

Vacant post

Epilepsy12 audit and QI

The RCPCH Epilepsy12 audit aims to help services measure and improve the quality of care for children and young people with seizures and epilepsies.

The RCPCH Epilepsy Quality Improvement Programme (EQIP) supports paediatric epilepsy service teams to identify sustainable improvements in their services.
