Epilepsy12 reports and resources

The Epilepsy12 national audit provides insight into the diagnosis and care of children and young people with epilepsy and the organisation of paediatric epilepsy services in England and Wales. This page signposts the audit's reports and useful resources, and other related outputs from the College.
Epilepsy12 conference leaflets

Our annual reports

Established in 2009, Epilepsy12 has the continued aim of helping epilepsy services and those who commission health services, to measure and improve the quality of care for children and young people with seizures and epilepsies.

You can find out more information and download our annual reports from earlier rounds.

Rounds 1 and 2

Round 3

Round 4

Patient and parent guides

Epilepsy12 produced guides to summarise Epilepsy12 results published in our 2020 and 2021 combined annual reports. They include information about the care provided to patients (clinical audit) as well as the services available within each NHS Trust and Health Board area (organisational audit), and act as useful resources for patients and their families.

An additional resource was created in 2022 with the Epilepsy12 Youth Advocates to summarise the key messages and information into an engaging three-fold leaflet. The Young person & Parent Guide was created by children and young people for children and young people.

You can also see useful epilepsy resources for children, young people and families, which signposts to both the College's projects and external charities to help support yours or your child's epilepsy care.

Patient and parent guides to the audit

Clinic posters

These one-page posters provide Trust-level summaries of Epilepsy12 results from the 2023 national combined report, using clinical data from Round 4 Cohort 4 and organisational data from 2022. They display how individual NHS Trusts and Health Boards performed on eight Epilepsy12 indicators, compared to national averages.

Clinic posters (on SharePoint)

Epilepsy12 Youth Advocates

This group of epilepsy experienced or interested children, young people and families volunteer together to improve care for epilepsy patients and their families. They have supported Epilepsy12 since 2018, bringing their voices, experiences, hopes and wishes to life through youth-led project work and advocacy. We invite you to read about their experiences, helpful resources and award-winning projects.

Epilepsy12 Youth Advocates

The Epilepsy12 Project Board has created an Infographic which is available to download below. A big thank you to the Youth Advocates for all their contributions and hard work.

Epilepsy Quality Improvement Programme (EQIP)

RCPCH EQIP launched in June 2018 as the first paediatric epilepsy quality improvement collaborative pilot in England and Wales. EQIP supports epilepsy service teams to identify sustainable improvements within their services for children and young people with epilepsy. You can read about their pilot programme and 2021-22 training waves.


Quality improvement case studies

Epilepsy12 invites epilepsy services in England and Wales to provide case studies of their quality improvement activities undertaken each year to improve the care provided to children and young people with epilepsies.

QI case studies 2023


OPEN UK (Organisation of Paediatric Epilepsy Networks in the UK) was established in 2015 as a clinical network connecting NHS Health Boards and Trusts that provide paediatric epilepsy care. OPEN UK aims to improve integrated care for children and young people with epilepsies through a UK working group and by uniting regional epilepsy networks.


Conference resources

Each year, Epilepsy12 and OPEN UK host an annual conference to bring together experienced healthcare professionals and discuss improving paediatric epilepsy care. The conferences have been a mix of virtual and face-to-face events, and have presented a mix of workshops and symposia aimed at health professionals working to support paediatric epilepsy services and patient organisations.

You can find more information and access conference resources.


Please email our team at epilepsy12@rcpch.ac.uk if you have any questions, or would like to let us know your ideas on new resources, conference topics or general directions for the audit.