First year of care PREM survey - improving paediatric diabetes healthcare

Data collection for our parent and patient reported experience measure (PREM) finished on 23 January 2024.

This survey focused on the first year from diagnosis. Results will help paediatric diabetes teams understand what matters to you - as a child or young person with diabetes, or a parent/carer - when first learning how to manage diabetes.
Family of four, together

About the PREM

The online PREM went live on 24 July 2023 and ran for six months. There were two surveys.

One survey was for children and young people with diabetes, and could be completed by any child or young person aged 8-19 years who had had diabetes for 6-18 months and was receiving care from a paediatric diabetes team.

The other survey was for parents and carers. This could be completed by parents or guardians of a child or young person aged from to 1-19 years who had had diabetes for 6-18 months and was receiving care from a paediatric diabetes team.

The results of the survey will be used to identify local and national areas of achievement and areas where improvements need to be made.


We will publish a national report on the PREM findings in October 2024.

We will also provide hospital reports to teams who had more 10 or more responses.

Response numbers

To help teams monitor their data collection, we provided response numbers every two weeks on this page.

You can now download the final response numbers below.