Becoming an MRCPCH/DCH Examiner

Medical professionals can apply to become an examiner for MRCPCH (membership exam) and DCH (Diploma of Child Health) clinical examinations. On this page you will find information about the types of examiners who assist with these examinations.

Each section below links to a document that explains in full what the duties are for each type of examiner as well as the eligibility requirements and application process.

The final section contains documents of use for all types of examiners, including a Code of Conduct, the Misconduct Policy, the Examiner Privacy Policy and information about examining for the RCPCH after retirement from clinical practice.
Last modified
13 August 2024

Contacting us

If you are interested in becoming examiners, whether overseas or within the UK, please first read the relevant guidance below.

You can get then get in touch with us at so that we can assist you.

Types of examiners

The RCPCH has particular pathways for categories of examiners. This chart should help you see the progressive pathway.

MRCPCH Examiner Elect becomes MRCPCH Examiner

Title given once a submitted MRCPCH Examiner application is approved by Examiner Review Panel (ERP). MRCPCH Examiners Elect begin training and assessment towards appointment as an MRCPCH Examiner.

MRCPCH Examiners Elect may be UK or Overseas.


Paediatricians with a suitable breadth of experience and knowledge to be able to examine for both MRCPCH.

MRCPCH Examiners may be UK or Overseas.

DCH Examiner Elect becomes DCH Examiner

Title given once submitted DCH Examiner application is approved by Examiner Review Panel (ERP). DCH Examiners Elect begin training and assessment towards appointment as DCH Examiner.

DCH Examiners Elect may be UK or Overseas.


Medical professionals with a background in another specialty allied to paediatrics and Consultant paediatricians with a suitable breadth of experience and knowledge to be able to examine on DCH.

DCH Examiners may be based in UK or Overseas

Senior Examiner Elect becomes Senior Examiner

Title given once a submitted Senior Examiner application is approved by Examiner Review Panel (ERP). Senior Examiners Elect begin training and assessment towards appointment as Senior Examiner.

Must be an examiner first.


The lead examiner in the examining team at a particular centre and responsible for all key quality assurance aspects on the exam day.

Senior Examiner appointment is made through an application and training process.

Senior Examiners are expected to continue to act as examiners and hosts when not allocated as Senior Examiners.

Senior Examiners are the only UK examiners permitted to be placed onto Overseas exams as examiners.


The consultant paediatrician, or other clinical lead professional, with responsibility for all local clinical exam arrangements at a given centre.

Many Hosts are Examiners who have gone through the Examiner Elect process. However, you do not need to be an Examiner to be an MRCPCH/DCH Host.

MRCPCH Clinical Examiner - UK

MRCPCH Examiners form the backbone of all of the MRCPCH Clinical exams in the UK. They examine on MRCPCH Clinical exams across the country. With enough experience, MRCPCH Examiners in the UK may apply to become Senior Examiners.

The MRCPCH UK Examiner document provides information about:

  • the responsibilities of this type of examiner
  • the eligibility requirements for applying to become an examiner
  • the application process.

Becoming an MRCPCH UK Examiner (PDF)

MRCPCH Clinical Examiner - Overseas

MRCPCH Overseas Examiners are the equivalent of UK examiners in their own countries. Applicants for this position must live and work in a country that hosts the exam. Applicants for this position should only expect to examine in the country in which they live and work.

The MRCPCH Overseas Examiner document provides information about:

  • the responsibilities of this type of examiner
  • the eligibility requirements for applying to become an examiner
  • the application process.

Becoming an MRCPCH Overseas Examiner (PDF)

MRCPCH Clinical Senior Examiner

Senior examiners help to run the MRCPCH Clinical exams wherever they are held. Senior Examiners are also expected to continue to act as examiners and/or hosts for UK exams. Only Senior Examiners are selected to travel from the UK to overseas centres and examine there.

The Senior Examiner document provides information about:

  • the responsibilities of this type of examiner
  • the eligibility requirements for applying to become an examiner
  • the application process.

Becoming an MRCPCH Senior Examiner (PDF)

DCH Clinical Examiners - UK and Overseas

DCH UK Examiners examine on the DCH exam in the UK, while DCH Overseas Examiners examine on the DCH in the handful of overseas countries where it is held (Hong Kong, Egypt and India).

The DCH UK and Overseas Examiner document provides information about:

  • the responsibilities of this type of examiner
  • the eligibility requirements for applying to become an examiner
  • the application process.

Becoming a DCH UK /Overseas Examiner (PDF)

Policies, code of conduct and retirement

Examiners moving between the UK and overseas policy (PDF) - explains the policies relating to examiners moving between countries

Examiner privacy policy (PDF) - explains the privacy duties of examiners as well as the College’s obligations to applicants for examiner positions

Examiner code of conduct and performance policy (PDF) - provides the policy framework for all examiner activity and behaviour

Examiner misconduct policy (PDF) - lays out the process for handling cases of possible misconduct by examiners

Examiner retirement from clinical practice (PDF) - provides information for doctors who have demitted/retired from clinical practice