Winter pressures - views from children, young people and families

"What does the term, 'winter pressures' mean to you?" We put this question to children, young people and families. Here are some of their comments.

Increased illnesses at winter time [mean] more work for the NHS.

Everyone getting sick around winter time and putting a strain on the NHS as people are taking up beds whereas they could have prevented it.

It could mean that in the winter the more crowded and popular the NHS is.

Overcrowded A&E centres due to cold weather related problems.

The NHS has a lot more work in winter as more people get ill and need treatment

The amount of pressure on the NHS in the winter at the A&E.

The A&E departments can’t handle the large influx of patients due to the harsh winter weather. More resources/materials are required to support this.

Too many people attend A&E for a reason that wasn’t / not needed.

Integrate - some GPs are now based in A&E services, helping health and social care or about young people's issues.

Don't blame the children and young people.

Issue with getting GP appointment - no on the day appointment, 10-minutes appointments may not be enough... which means you rely on A&E [which is] inundated

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