Trainee Committee

We represent the views of trainee members across the UK, looking at the topics that trainees say matter most, from recruitment and retention, to career development and training to equality, diversity and inclusion and much more. The Trainee Committee is made up of regional reps from all areas of the UK and then specialty specific reps who make up the Trainee Committee Executive.

So if you're an RCPCH member and currently registered in paediatric training, we're here for you! Find out what we do, and get to know your reps.

Trainees Committee Executive (TC Exec)

Our purpose is to provide trainee representation and advice to the work of the College, with an emphasis on recruitment, training, assessment and career development. We meet once a year scheduled around the Trainee Committee meetings, and then have other meetings as needed through the year. Each rep will have their own commitments to other groups within RCPCH depending on their role

The TC Exec has seven trainee members, supported by Sabina Begum in the College's Training Services team who's available on

Emma Dyer

Dr Emma Dyer - Committee Chair

I work in London as a Paediatric Emergency Medicine sub-specialty registrar.

My priorities as Chair are a smooth transition to Progress+ and representing trainees' views on some of the huge challenges they are currently facing, such as the cost-of-living crisis, pay concerns and workforce shortages within the NHS...

Photograph of Emma Coombe

Dr Emma Coombe - Committee Vice Chair 
@dr_emmacoombe |

I’m a general paeds ST7 working in Bristol and have been a trainee rep for RCPCH on and off for 7 years. I love sharing the great potential of a career in paediatrics with junior colleagues and encouraging them to join TeamPaeds! I’m also passionate about workforce planning and retention, ensuring the College takes steps to hold on to the talent represented by our fantastic trainees.

Photograph of Josh Hodgson

Dr Josh Hodgson - ePortfolio and Curriculum

Hi! I work on the London School of Paediatrics Trainees’ Committee (IT and Communications Subgroup). My absolute priority is the wellbeing of my unfalteringly dedicated and kind colleagues. If you have any issues, worries or ideas on ePortfolio or the curriculum, I want to hear them! The door is always open…


Photograph of Assim Ali Javaid

Dr Assim Ali Javaid - Assessment
@AssimJavaid |

Shwmae! Some of you may know me from Dragon Bytes Paediatrics Podcast. I’m an ST6 PEM grid trainee based in Cardiff. I’m also a clinical academic and will be taking some time out of training to do a PhD in medical Education with Cardiff University. Feel free to contact me if you’ve got questions about START or assessments and I’ll try to help (or point you in the direction of someone who can help!).

Photograph of Blanche Lumb

Dr Blanche Lumb - Recruitment

I am ST4/5 trainee based in Cardiff. Hoping to train to be a paediatric oncologist, and am currently out of programme to gain more experience. I am really passionate about widening access to paediatrics and encouraging people into what I find is a really rewarding specialty. I'm also keen to widen access to medicine, to hopefully create a more diverse group, so I work with the social mobility foundation in my free time.

Dr Amile Inusa

Dr Amile Inusa - Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Amile here! I’m a Paediatric ST4 Trainee currently working in the East of England. I have often advocated for equitable practices and outcomes for trainees both at a grassroots and organisational level. I look forward to continuing the work of my predecessor & learning from the diverse membership of the RCPCH. It is important that we continue to ensure the soft landing & retention of our talented workforce. If you have any comments, concerns or ideas, drop me an email.

Photograph of Sunitha Vimalesvaran

Dr Sunitha Vimalesvaran - Examinations
@sunitha_varan |

Hi! My name is Sunitha and I’m an ST6 in Paediatric Hepatology. I’m extremely proud to be part of the Examinations Executive and Trainees Committee, and am keen to ensure that trainees have access to the right information and advice necessary to succeed at training and their professional examinations. Feel free to contact me if you have any queries or suggestions. Share your voice, thoughts and skills – together we will build a better training and examination platform for all paediatricians!

Dr Saba Hussain

Dr Saba Hussain - Digital Rep 
@therealsabahh |

Hi! My name is Sabah, I am a trainee representative on the RCPCH Digital Committee. I am currently a ST4 based in the West Midlands. I’m very excited about bringing my love of paediatrics together with the digital world to try and make things better for child health, as well as paediatricians. If anyone has any ideas, suggestions or questions please do contact me.

Trainee Committee (TC)

The TC’s main emphasis is related to training and assessment but as many aspects of our working lives that impact on training. We also consider wider themes in relation to paediatrics and child health.

We are made up of elected representatives from the UK and Ireland who are currently paediatric trainees. This includes 20 regional representatives, five subject representatives and the seven reps from the TC Exec. The Vice President for Training and Assessment sits on the committee and the President also attends occasional discussions alongside other relevant members of RCPCH staff. 

Meet your regional reps

The Trainees Committee has a rep for each College region. Click or tap on the map to see your rep, or select the download button in bottom left. You can also view the map on a separate screen.

Meet your subject reps

Dr Lauren Dhugga - Less Than Full Time (Core) 
@laurendhugga |

Dr Elizabeth Homer - Less Than Full Time (Specialty)

Dr Kiran Rahim - QI Committee

Dr Alastair Stanley - Health Improvement Committee

Dr Johanna Reed - Child Protection Standing Committee

Dr Debora Calderoni - Young European Academy of Paediatrics (YEAP) Rep

How RCPCH trainee members can get involved or get their voice heard

You should receive regular communications from the trainee representative of your region about various issues that have been discussed by the TC. Feel free to contact them about anything which concerns you.

Posts are held for about three years and it is likely that one position in your region will become available while you are trainee. Please contact any member of the committee to find out further details about the role and what it involves.

Trainee Charter

The Trainee Charter outlines what trainees expect from every training unit in the UK, across key domains. We hope that training units will strive to achieve these aims and that the Charter will be a hallmark of high quality local training.

Your wellbeing

It is so important to take care of yourself as a healthcare professional. College members from around the UK tell us how they have been looking after their own own wellbeing and that of their teams and offer ideas on how you can do this too. 


Live from this summer, Progress+ builds on the current curriculum, and will be flexible and fulfilling. Check out our FAQs, resources and updates for what to expect.