RCPCH scorecards show lack of improvements in fundamental areas
The England scorecard reveals progress in some areas including the launch of a Digital Child Health Strategy, the publication of a new Tobacco Control Plan, the initiation of some specialist service reviews in paediatrics and the implementation of the sugar tax. However, there has been no improvement in several fundamental areas, including:
- No plans for an overarching child health strategy
- No junk food advertising ban
- No way of measuring UK breastfeeding prevalence
- No increased investment in child health research
The greatest areas for concern are the deepening public health cuts which have worsened in the last year and are disproportionately affecting children’s services. The scorecard marks this ‘black’, quoting latest statistics that show public health spending is over 5% lower in 2017-18 compared with 2013-14.
RCPCH President urges long term investment in child health
Professor Neena Modi, President of the RCPCH, said:
The science exists for all to see; invest in the health of children and make a huge difference to their health in later life and hence to their economic productivity. For example, four-fifths of obese children will remain obese as adults and this will result in them losing between 10-20 years of healthy life.
That’s a very frightening statistic and something that Government must get to grips with. It’s no wonder the NHS is burgeoning under the weight of ill health. This is time for a long vision for the sake of the nation’s wellbeing and prosperity yet the focus remains short-term and ineffective.
Child health policy developments in Scotland and Wales
The scorecards reveal that the Scottish and Welsh Governments are making greater strides in enacting policies to improve child health. For example, in Scotland there has been:
- The passing of the Child Poverty (Scotland) Act with defined poverty reduction targets
- A new Mental Health Strategy including a commitment to improve transition to adult services
- An announcement of plans to expand the number of health visitors by an additional 500 by the end of 2018 through the full roll-out of the Family Nurse Partnership programme
- A commitment from Scottish Government to ensure specialist breastfeeding advice and support is delivered to women
And in Wales:
- The Public Health (Wales) Act has been enacted which includes extending bans on smoking in public places to school grounds, playgrounds and NHS grounds.
- A new state of the art facility in Cardiff has opened to expand capacity for child health research.
RCPCH calls for coordinated approach to child health
Professor Russell Viner, RCPCH Officer for Health Promotion, said:
Child health isn’t being given the political attention it deserves in Westminster, which is disappointing given the real commitments from the Scottish and Welsh Governments. While policies such as the soft drinks industry levy and new tobacco control plan are to be applauded, the approach is piecemeal.
Getting it right in childhood means setting up future generation for a lifetime of better health. Investing in children is an investment in the entire population.
The RCPCH is calling for each national government to commit to a ‘child health in all policies’ approach, meaning that whenever legislation is passed, the impact on child health must be considered. The RCPCH also wants to see a cross-party committee established to develop a child health strategy.
RCPCH President Professor Modi added:
We need parity of esteem between acute and preventive healthcare. It is no good only throwing money at treating established problems; there must be far better investment in prevention, which will reap immeasurable long term benefits. This means much bolder public health policies and a reversal of the current destructive cuts to preventive services.
Further information
During 2017, over 1000 children, young people and family members took part in sessions, challenge days, projects, consultations and events focused on key topics within the State of Child Health report.
Their voices, views and emerging themes are in the RCPCH &Us Network report looking at poverty, mental health, communication, PSHE, LGBT and children’s rights.