

Sharing learning from the RCPCH Genomics Symposium

On 20 November 2023, we held the first ever RCPCH Genomics Symposium in Birmingham city centre, bringing together paediatricians, geneticists and service user representation from across England. The half-day event hosted five sessions on key areas related to genomics, with the underlying theme of be...

Advancing our health: prevention in the 2020s - our summary

In July 2019, the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) published their prevention green paper, building on the Secretary of State’s prevention vision that was announced in November 2018. The paper contains a number of proposals to tackle the causes of preventable ill health in the England. He...

Interim NHS People Plan - our summary

The interim NHS Workforce Implementation Plan, or People Plan, complements the NHS Long Term Plan that was released in January 2019. A full People Plan will be published towards the end of 2019 after the spending review, and will be fully costed alongside a detailed implementation plan for the Long ...