Drugs and medicines


Paediatric SCRIPT

Paediatric SCRIPT is an eLearning programme, which aims to improve prescribing competency and safety among specialist paediatric trainees. It is now being used by all Paediatric Schools in England.

Pill swallowing in children podcasts

How can we as paediatric health professionals support children and young people to swallow pills? In this series of educational podcasts, produced with Kidzmed, Dr Emma Lim chats with colleagues at the Great North Children's Hospital in Newcastle to explore what's gone well and what they can learn.....

Administration of rectal diazepam to neonates and infants to treat seizures prior to hospital admission - position statement

This guidance is for ambulance services which need to administer diazepam, a medicine for treating seizures, to neonates and infants. It explains how to accurately administer a 1.25mg or 2.5mg dose directly from a 5mg rectal tube. Buccal midazolam is usually preferred to rectal diazepam in the ho...