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Our resources and documents include training and career guidance, research and audit reports, policy statements, service standards and online learning. You can use the search or filter to find what you're looking for.

Investment policy

The RCPCH has annual income in excess of £15m per year with expenditure of a similar size. The College reserves and cash balances have increased in recent years. This policy sets out how these balances can be invested.

Knowledge exchange sessions with GPs - Tameside Hospital

This page provides a best practice example for standard 4 of Facing the Future: Together for child health standards, which outlines education sessions at local GP (General Practitioner) surgeries provided by consultants and nurses from Tameside Hospital. GPs and practice nurses become more skilled a...

Professional ethics and law resources

​Paediatricians and other clinicians often have to take very difficult decisions while acting in strict accordance with the law and with sensitivity towards the customs and beliefs practiced by their patients and their patients' families. These resources are intended to support the training and crit...