Understand 101 tool - RCPCH &Us

The 'Understand' model is designed for healthcare professionals to think about the why, how and what every time they work with children and young people.
Understand 101 flyer: Us - who is the patient? | Numbers matter - missed opportunities to find out more or actively listen | Disclosure - who has to know | Environment - is it a youth friendly space | Reassure us that you have listened | Sigposting - do you know your local services | Together - transition within and between hospitals, GPs and services should include us | Attitude is important - a smile costs nothing | Needs - find out what matters to us | Decisions - need to involve me (Article 12)

It is designed to be used for discussion with children, young people, parents, carers and healthcare professionals to identify areas that are working well and to spot the gaps where there might be need for improvement.

The model was written and developed by children and young people working with RCPCH &Us.