Using standardised concentrations of unlicensed liquid medicines in children - joint position statement

The Neonatal and Paediatric Pharmacy Group (NPPG) and the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) strongly recommend that when children require liquid medications, they should receive the RCPCH and NPPG recommended concentrations, where one exists. There are currently 13 such recommended concentrations, 12 of which are published in relevant drug monographs of the British National Formulary for Children (BNFC).

By standardising the prescribed concentrations of these medicines, we will reduce the risk of errors being made in the doses given to children and prevent hospitalisation from accidental under and overdoses.

Updated guidance

NPPG and the RCPCH strongly recommend that when children require liquid medications, they should receive the RCPCH and NPPG recommended concentration, where one exists. You can access the guidance on the NPPG website.

Key changes to previous versions include;

1. Addition of recommended concentrations for calcium carbonate and lisinopril.

2. Removal of sertraline (50mg /5mL previously recommended, but licensed 100mg/5mL product now available).