Growth charts

The UK-WHO growth charts allow health professionals to plot and measure a child's height and weight from birth to young adulthood.

See general information about growth charts, including a link about our new digital growth charts


RCPCH responds to sharp rise in rates of obesity in young children

NHS Digital today announced new figures showing a significant increase in obesity rates among primary-aged children. Obesity rates in both reception-aged and year 6 schoolchildren increased by around 4.5 percentage points between 2019-20 and 2020-21.

Growth charts - information for parents and carers

Your child's growth is an important indicator of his or her health. The UK-WHO growth charts allow health professionals to plot and measure your child's growth from birth. Read about these below, and download our factsheets for more detail.

UK-WHO growth charts - 2-18 years

This chart is mainly intended to assess the growth of school age children and young people in primary or secondary care. It includes guidance on the onset and progression of puberty, a BMI centile lookup, an adult height predictor and a mid parental height comparator.