BPSU study - Life threatening bronchopulmonary dysplasia

Surveillance of life threatening bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) commenced in July 2017. The study team aim to describe the incidence of life threatening BPD of prematurity, describe the antecedent factors, current treatment choices used in the UK and Ireland (including a description of the support mechanisms in terms of respiratory support alternatives) and describe the outcomes (to one year) for life threatening BPD of prematurity. A paper has now been published in the Archives of Disease in Childhood - Fetal and Neonatal Edition.


Dr Sundeep Harigopal, Dr Janet Berrington, Dr Sridhar Ramaiah
Neonatal Unit, Royal Victoria Infirmary
Newcastle NE1 4LP
Email: sundeep.harigopal@nuth.nhs.uk; janet.berrington@nuth.nhs.uk; sridhar.ramaiah@nuth.nhs.uk

About study


Many babies born more than eight weeks early will have some problems with their breathing and need oxygen for many weeks. This is known as chronic lung disease and happens because the lungs were immature at birth. Most babies recover well, but some may go home with oxygen. A small number have such severe lung problems that they need to stay in hospital on breathing machines for many weeks or months, and may even die. Because very small numbers of babies have such severe problems, little is known about how they are cared for or what might make their outcome better.

This study aims to collect data on these babies and how they are looked after, including what sort of breathing support and medicines they receive. An important step in better understanding this serious problem.

You can download the protocol card, including references, below.

Case definition

Any infant initially delivered at less than 32 completed weeks of gestation, without associated significant (including cardiorespiratory) congenital abnormality, where at (or beyond) 38 weeks postmenstrual age the infant is receiving positive pressure support by any route (ventilation, nCPAP, BIPAP or humidified high flow nasal cannula with a flow more than 2lpm), or receiving pulmonary vasodilators without intercurrent illness to explain this need.

Published Papers

R Naples, S Ramaiah, J Rankin , J Berrington, S Harigopal. Life-threatening bronchopulmonary dysplasia: a British Paediatric Surveillance Unit Study. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2021. 

Reporting instructions

Please report any case seen within the last month that meets the case definition.


July 2017-July 2018 (13 months of surveillance). Follow-up until July 2019 (12 month follow-up).


This study is being funded through Tiny Lives Charity.


This study has been approved by North East Tyne and Wear South REC (REC reference: 16/NE/0343) and has been granted Section 251 HRA-CAG permission (CAG Reference: 16/CAG/0139).

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