What happens to paediatricians once they receive their CCT (Certificate of Completion of Training) or CESR (Certificate of Eligibility for the Specialist Register)? Our Workforce team conducted an annual survey of these individuals about a year after certification date.
If you would like to know more about certifications and training routes please have a look at our training guide.
You can read a brief summary of key findings and trends, and download the full reports from prior cohort studies from the 2010 to the 2017 cohort at the end of the page.
Why did we do this work?
This survey helps us to better understand where new certificate-holders were accepting posts, what contracts they were working on and how they had experienced the transition to being eligible for consultant grade posts. This crucial information paints a picture of the paediatric workforce across the UK. Based on findings, we were able to advocate and make recommendations for more flexible consultant posts to be available and for an increased number of paediatric trainee positions.
- understand rates of full-time and less than full-time working among new certification of training holders
- understand attrition rates from paediatrics and from the UK post-certificate
- understand the current grade, post and location of new certificate holders
- understand the working patterns and pressures facing new consultants, and
- ensure that the RCPCH is providing the right support to members in the early stages of their consultant career.
See our 2019 report (CCT class of 2017)
You can download all reports below
Trends from previous surveys
- time period from obtaining CCT to entering the GMC register has increased, from about 10 years in 2011 to almost 11 and a half years in 2017.
- British Medical Association (BMA) standard of 2.5 SPAs per week is not being reached year on year.
year on year, these survey results have shown a continued low number of CCT holders in community child health – falling from 8.6% in the 2015 cohort to 7.3% in the 2016 cohort. Additionally, latest RCPCH workforce census data (2017) has shown that there is a 8.5% vacancy rate at community child health consultant level.