Write questions for our theory exams
We hold Question Setting Groups (QSGs) across the UK and virtually several times a year. These bring together College members with MRCPCH - including trainees, consultants and SAS doctors - to write new questions for our theory exams, Foundation of Practice, Theory & Science and Applied Knowledge in Practice.
Write questions for theory exams
Support START, our assessment for trainees
We're always looking for enthusiastic paediatric consultants and senior trainees to join our online sessions to generate new scenarios on varied clinical and professional themes.
Consultants may also become START assessors. You'll assess trainees on the day on a topics such as handover and safe prescribing, providing clear and supportive feedback.
Join a START session or become a START assessor
Become a clinical examiner or host
Our MRCPCH (membership) and Diploma of Child Health Clinical exams can't take place without the dedication of our examiners and hosts, both ini the UK and overseas.
As an examiner, you'll get access to training and full briefings from our friendly staff team before participating in clinical exams. You'll examine all candidates to MRCPCH regulations, marking schemes and guidance, giving full and fair consideration to equality and diversity.
Hosts are consultant paediatricians with responsibility for all local clinical exam arrangements at a given centre - such as a ward, outpatients department or education facility.
We invite you to register your interest and we'll confirm when the next application period is.
About becoming an examiner or host
Join our examination and assessment boards
Members of these boards develop and review questions and scenarios for our exams, assessments and recruitment. For more information or to register your interest, please contact:
- Theory exams - theoryexams@rcpch.ac.uk
- Clinical exams -clincialexams@rcpch.ac.uk
- START - start@rcpch.ac.uk
- Recruitment - paediatric.jobs@rcpch.ac.uk