We provide two examinations at RCPCH: the Membership examination (MRCPCH) and the Diploma in Child Health (DCH).
As the Theory & Standards team, we support the delivery of the theory components of these exams: Foundation of Practice (FOP), Theory & Science (TAS) and Applied Knowledge in Paediatrics (AKP).
We support exam candidates as they register for exams, and apply for and sit their theory exams. We work with clinical leads to develop theory exam questions, review and standard set those questions and produce results for all theory and clinical examinations.
We work closely with the Clinical Assessment team which supports the delivery of the clinical components of our exams: the MRCPCH Clinical and the DCH Clinical.
Contact the Theory & Standards team on theoryexams@rcpch.ac.uk for:
- Registration for an RCPCH exam account
- Any enquiry or request about applying to, preparing for, sitting or querying results for one of the three theory exams: Foundation of Practice (FOP), Theory and Standards (TAS) and Applied Knowledge in Practice (AKP)
- Resending documents about theory exams, for example, theory exam placement or results letters
- Complaints about theory exams
- Requests for letters to use for tax purposes in relation to theory exams that have been sat (if you need a letter for multiple exams, including a clinical exam, then you should also contact clinicalexams@rcpch.ac.uk).