The step where Angoff judges make a third judgement after reviewing candidate performance for each question will be removed.
Judges will therefore make two judgements. The first judgement is made without conferring with the other judges. The second and final judgement is made after the judges discuss their first judgement with the other judges. The final judgements are averaged for each question to obtain the criterion referenced score. The mean of the final judgements becomes the pass mark for the exam.
This change is being made after consulting with senior faculty and has been approved by General Medical Council. We have modelled the change and found similar outcomes to the current methodology.
Frequently asked questions
Will this change the difficulty of the exams? No. The standard of the exams will remain the same as described in the regulations and rules for MRCPCH and DCH examinations. The content of the exams will continue to align with our theory exam syllabi.
Why is RCPCH amending the standard setting process for the theory exams? This change is being made to keep the College in line with best practice within the educational field and is supported by research literature.
Will this change affect Diploma of Child Health (DCH) candidates? Yes. This change to the standard setting process for the theory exams will apply to the Foundation of Practice (FOP) exam, which is taken by DCH candidates.