
We use our members' expertise and experience to promote child health and inform our responses to current news.

Mark Drakeford announced as new Welsh Labour leader - what does this mean for child health in Wales?

After months of speculation, campaigning and voting, we now have the result of the Labour leadership contest in Wales. The top job has gone to a man who may not be a household name for RCPCH members so Gethin Matthews-Jones, RCPCH External Affairs Manager for Wales, blogs to answer two questions: wh...

The needs of children and families after brain injury – from understanding to action

Dr Anne Gordon, Consultant Occupational Therapist in Paediatric Neuroscience at the Evelina London Children’s Hospital and Trustee of the Stroke Association, has written a guest blog about the needs of children and their families following brain injury, providing an insight into what we can do to be...

Blog: Explore Your Medical Archives!

To celebrate Explore Your Archive 2017, we've teamed up with Archivists at the Royal College of Physicians and the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in a blog about our collections. Find out about our favourite records, strangest finds and what we’ve been up to this week.

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