
A paediatric neurologist understands disorders of the nervous system that affect infants, children and young people - find out more about this sub-specialty.

Brain Research UK - Project Grants [OPEN]

Brain Research UK are inviting preliminary project grant applications under three priority themes: headache and facial pain, neuro-oncology, and acquired brain and spinal cord injury.
Award programme/theme
Project grant
Funding amount range
£250,001 to £500,000
Maximum duration
3 years
Submission deadline

Stroke Association - Postgraduate Fellowships [OPEN]

These fellowships are for graduates looking to get a postgraduate research qualification (MPhil or PhD) and plan to conduct stroke research into clinical and applied health, including social care research.
Award programme/theme
Studentship / PhD support
Funding amount range
Under £50,000
Maximum duration
3 years
Submission deadline

Multiple Sclerosis Society - Data Discovery Awards [CLOSED]

Data Discovery Awards provide support for research projects designed to increase understanding of MS risk factors. It is hoped these awards will provide a more combined approach to assessing someone’s risk of developing MS and will ultimately help to develop new preventative strategies.
Award programme/theme
Project grant
Funding amount range
Under £50,000
Maximum duration
1 year
Submission deadline

Multiple Sclerosis Society - Early Career Fellowships [CLOSED]

Early Career Fellowships aim to attract and retain talented postdoctoral researchers who want to build a successful career in MS research. These grants provide a staged career structure and the opportunity for you to progress towards higher-level appointments.
Award programme/theme
Funding amount range
£100,001 to £250,000
Maximum duration
4 years
Submission deadline

Multiple Sclerosis Society - Catalyst Awards [CLOSED]

These Catalyst Awards provide support for short-term, small-scale pilot or proof-of-concept studies, as well as ‘high-risk, high-reward’ innovative research studies.
Award programme/theme
Project grant
Funding amount range
Under £50,000
Maximum duration
1 year
Submission deadline
Basic page

Paediatric neurology - sub-specialty

Paediatric neurologists specialise in diagnosing and managing the vast range of neurological disorders affecting children and young people. This page is for those exploring, applying to or already in this sub-specialty training programme! We have insights from current specialists on what it's lik...