
We use our members' expertise and experience to promote child health and inform our responses to current news.

RCPCH responds to new Ofsted reports regarding the impact of COVID-19 on children

The Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted) has published the latest in a series of reports on the impact of the pandemic on children. The reports are based on their observations made during inspections of schools, early years settings and children's services durin...

Message from the President - 6 November

Russell reflects on the importance of looking after ourselves and each other this winter. He highlights our position statement and meetings with senior NHS leaders on new surge guidance, along with our new and continually updated guidance on COVID-19. And, he thanks members and states next steps tow...

Supporting treatment and appropriate medication in paediatrics - our pledge

We have worked with NHS England on a programme to ensure children and young people with a learning disability, autism or both are able to access appropriate medication, and are not prescribed inappropriate psychotropic medication. Find out more and read our full pledge.

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