- Introducing our workforce information graphs and charts
- England workforce: Consultants and SAS doctors
- Scotland Workforce: Consultants and SAS doctors
- Wales Workforce: Consultants and SAS doctors
- England sickness absence rates
- Admissions and emergency admissions: England
- Admissions and emergency admissions: Devolved Nations
- Bed occupancy: England
- Bed occupancy: Devolved Nations
- Organisations
- Evidence library
Introducing our workforce information graphs and charts
Using data that are publicly available and data collected by the College, the following interactive maps and graphs provide information on the child health population, paediatric admissions and emergency admissions, and NHS Trust or Health Board organisations and Community Trusts in England.
We strive to keep the data as up-to-date as possible, however, due to a wide range of sources and differing release dates, this may not always be the case. Data should also be interpreted with some degree of caution given the variability in the usage of terms at the local level. Large updates will be carried out quarterly.
The waiting times charts previously featured on this page have been moved to a dedicated webpage: Paediatric workforce information: waiting times in the UK.
We are expanding the information on this page, and invite your feedback on what you'd find useful - so please get in touch at workforce@rcpch.ac.uk.
England workforce: Consultants and SAS doctors
The data below displays the headcount (HC) and Full time equivalents (FTEs) of paediatric consultants and SAS doctors and is retrieved from NHS Workforce Statistics additional statistics on staff in NHS Trusts and other core organisations that are published quarterly.
Scotland Workforce: Consultants and SAS doctors
The information displayed below shows quarterly paediatric consultants and SAS doctors who are directly employed by NHS Scotland. The data are sourced from Turas Data Intelligence, developed by NHS Education for Scotland.
Wales Workforce: Consultants and SAS doctors
the data displayed below are sourced from the StatsWales, Welsh Government, Medical and dental staff by specialty and year, displaying quarterly numbers for Consultants and SAS doctors in paediatrics.
For a more in-depth analysis of Consultant and SAS doctors' figures for paediatrics in England, Scotland, and Wales please consult our Spring 2024 workforce deep dive.
England sickness absence rates
The figures below display sickness and absence rates in England for hospital and community health services (HCHS) doctors in paediatrics, number of full time equivalent days available and lost. HCHS doctors include consultants, associate specialists, specialty doctors, staff grades, specialty registrars, core training, foundation doctors Y1-2, hospital practitioners/clinical assistants, and other and local doctors grades. Data for paediatrics was kindly provided by NHSE following a bespoke analysis request.
For a more in-depth look at sickness absence data, please feel free to consult our Workforce Information summer deep dive on this.
Admissions and emergency admissions: England
All admissions and emergency admission data for England are sourced form NHS Digital.
Information gathered by the Local Government Association and their partners shows about 35% of all admissions in NHS England are classified as emergency admissions, costing around £11 billion per year2 .
These charts display admissions and emergency admissions for England between 2017-18 and 2022-23 in paediatrics3 , and Finished Consultant Episodes (FCE) for each NHSE region.
Admissions and emergency admissions: Devolved Nations
Bed occupancy: England
Please note that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, hospital capacity had to be re-organised in 2020-21, with staff and beds being deployed in different ways than in previous years. Caution is therefore advised when comparing 2020-21 data to earlier releases for all nations.
The bed information in the following section is taken from the Urgent and Emergency Care Daily Situation Reports - Critical care and General & Acute Beds, which gathers data from acute trusts and includes information on bed availability for adult and paediatric general and acute beds, paediatric intensive care, and neonatal intensive care. See chart in new browser tab
For more details please consult our Autumn 2024 deep dive.
Bed occupancy: Devolved Nations
With regards to the UK Devolved Nations, data by specialty was available for both occupied and available beds from each nation's public body.
The bars show the number of paediatric beds available4
(left Y-axis) and the line displays the percentage of occupancy (right Y-axis).
Data displayed below was retrieved from Department of Health Northern Ireland, Public Health Scotland, and Digital Health and Social Care Wales. See chart in new browser tab
Due to the implementation of a new electronic patient record system, data was not available for one of the Health and Social Care Boards at the time of the latest publication date (29 February 2024 with data for the quarter ending December 2023). We will revise the data and update in retrospective once the next publication is available on 30 May 2024. For more details please see the latest publication.
These maps show NHS Trust or Health Board organisations in the UK, and Community Trusts in England, and level 3 paediatric intensive care units (PICUs)5 . Note that some organisations have more than one site.
If you hover or tap on a map point, you can see the name of the organisation and the parent Integrated Care Board. When an organisation has more than one site, the main hospital sites have been included and will be displayed in these 'tooltips'. See maps in new browser tab
Evidence library
A vast quantity of data related to workforce and healthcare is publicly available.
Below is a list (which will be kept up to date and expanded accordingly) of official resources with a brief description of the main type of information/variables and a link to the main page.
NHS Workforce statistics
Monthly numbers of NHS Hospital and Community Health Services (HCHS) staff working in NHS Trusts and CCGs in England (excluding primary care staff). Data are available for all months from 30 September 2009.
Go to NHS Workforce Statistics
- NHS Workforce Statistics - variables/info
Monthly releases
- Doctors by grade and specialty
- Staff group, care setting and level
Quarterly releases
- Turnover
- Reasons for leaving
- Equality and diversity
- Mental health workforce
- Staff in post
Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) database
This is a database containing details of all admissions, A&E attendances and outpatient appointments in NHS hospitals in England.
- HES database - variables/info
It covers all commissioning bodies in England
- Private patients treated in NHS hospitals
- Care delivered by treatment centres
- Clinical information about diagnoses and operations
- Patient age group, gender and ethnicity
- Methods of admission and discharge
- Geographical information
Hospital Admitted Patient Care Activity
The data are taken from the Hospital Episodes Statistics (HES). HES contains records of all admissions, appointments and attendances for patients at NHS hospitals in England. The HES data used in this publication are called Finished Consultant Episodes, and each episode relates to a period of care for a patient under a single consultant at a single hospital. This publication occurs annually and covers a financial year.
Go to Hospital Admitted Patient Care Activity main page
- Hospital admitted patient care activity - variables/info
Hospital admitted patient care activity series main data:
- By CCG of responsibility
- Diagnosis
- Ethnic category
- External causes
- Hospital providers
- Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD)
- Main specialty
- Procedures and interventions
- Treatment specialty
- Time series
- Provider-level analysis
- Adult critical care tables
- Data quality paediatric critical care analysis
- Surgery for Urogynaecological Prolapse and SUI
Hospital Accident and Emergency Activity
Yearly publications on Accident and Emergency (A&E) activity in English hospitals. A joint publication by NHS Digital and NHS England, the data sources for this publication are the Emergency Care Dataset (ECDS), A&E Attendances and Emergency Admissions Monthly Situation Reports (MSitAE), in addition to the Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) dataset.
Go to the NHS Emergency admissions page
- Hospital accident and emergency activity - variables/info
- A&E attendances in NHS hospitals, minor injury units and walk-in centres
- Patient demographics
- Time spent in A&E
- Distributions by time of arrival, day of the week, time spent in A&E
- Waits for admissions and re-attendances
- Comparisons between home nations of 4 and 12-hour waits
- A&E attendances but Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD)
- A&E attendance by ethnicity
NHS Hospital Outpatient Activity
Focussing on secondary care, it features annual publications covering financial year information on outpatient activity in English hospitals. The data are taken from the Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) warehouse.
Go to NHS Hospital Outpatient Activity
- NHS Hospital outpatient activity - variables/info
Number of appointments (not individual patients):
- Patient age
- Gender
- Appointment attended or not
- By provider
- By main specialty
- By main procedure and intervention
- By Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD)
NHS Maternity Statistics
Yearly publications (financial year) with relation to delivery and birth episodes, and the booking appointments for these.
Data are sourced from Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) and the Maternity Services Data Set (MSDS) and are both available to download on the relevant webpage.
Go to NHS Maternity statistics
- NHS Maternity statistics - variables/info
Main information available includes:
- Records on all admissions, appointments and attendances for patients in NHS hospitals in England
- Delivery episodes (HES)
- Stages of maternity service care pathway (MSDS)
- By provider level
- Breastfeeding
- Neonatal critical care
Organisation Data Service (ODS)
It is responsible for publishing codes that identify organisations and individuals across health and social care. It features ODS Portal - an NHS Digital search facility for organisation's details, and ODS DataPoint - a self-service data export tool.
Go to ODS main webpage, go to ODS Portal, go to ODS DataPoint
- Organisation Data Service - variables/info
Data available includes:
- Information on mergers between organisations, name changes, changes in geography settings
- NHS and non-NHS organisational data
- records of past changes - ie matching CCGs and ICBs
- links to devolved nation's information
NHS Sickness Absence Rates
These series contain absence rates due to sickness in NHS staff, with data tracing back to 2009.
Go to the NHS Sickness absence rates main page
- NHS Sickness Absence rates - variables/info
- Monthly sickness rates by organisation
- Reasons for absence by staff group
- COVID-19 related absence
- Annual summary tables for the financial year
Scotland data
Public Health Scotland publishes information via the Scottish Health and Social Care Open Data platform (former ISD Scotland).
Go to Public Health Scotland and to the SHSCOD platform
- Scotland data platform - variables/info
There are over 90 datasets available for downloading, including data on:
- Annual inpatient and daycase activity
- Annual outpatient activity
- Annual hospital bed information
- Monthly A&E activity and waiting times
Wales data
The data about health and healthcare in Wales is produced by several bodies. The Statistics Directorate, Welsh Health Survey, NHS Wales Informatics Service (NWIS), Public Health Wales, Welsh Cancer Surveillance and Intelligence Unit, and more. The main sources from where these data can be accessed are Public Health Wales, NHS Wales' Health in Wales resource pages, and Digital Health and Care Wales' Patient Episode Database for Wales (PEDW).
Go to Public Health Wales data, NHS Wales' Health in Wales, and the PEDW data online
- Wales data - variables/info
Health in Wales gives access to published data either by the organisation or the type of data involved, for instance:
- Patient Episode Database for Wales
- In-patients
- Day cases
- Maternity patients
- Regular attenders
- Patient Episode Database for Wales
Northern Ireland data
The Department of Health offers a broad spectrum of datasets via the Information and Analysis Directorate. Furthermore, as part of the Digital NI Initiative, the OpenDataNI portal was developed, containing datasets from across the public sector in Northern Ireland.
Go to DoH statistics and the OpenDataNI platform
- Northern Ireland - variables/info
Examples of datasets available:
- COVID-19 statistics
- Health Survey Northern Ireland
- Emergency care statistics
- Hospital activity statistics
- Hospital waiting time statistics
- Mental health and learning disability statistics
- Social care statistics – children’s services
- Workforce statistics – staff numbers and staff vacancies
- Organisational information
General Medical Council
The GMC register is a list of doctors in the UK. It can be downloaded via the GMC website for a fee. There are two types of access, standard download and republication download. In addition, the GMC has several data reports that can be consulted, as well as the GMC Data Explorer.
How to access the GMC register, the GMC data reports, and the GMC Data Explorer.
- GMC register - variables/info
Main information contained includes:
- Type of registration a doctor holds their
- Training information
- Whether they hold a licence to practise
- Registration date
- Details about primary medical qualification
Paediatric Intensive Care Audit Network
PICANet collects data from Level 3 (Paediatric Intensive Care) Units and has been commissioned by NHS England and Improvement to undertake a 2-year development project to expand its clinical audit to include data collection and reporting of children in discrete Level 2 PCC units (sometimes referred to as High Dependency Units).
- PICANet - variables/info
Information available in the latest report (2022)
- Admissions for paediatric critical care by age and sex
- Outcomes
- Prevalence
- Beds and length of stay
- Children in adult ICU
- Breakdown by Health Organisation
LG Inform
LG Inform is a benchmarking tool for local areas and is managed by the Local Government Association. It allows access, comparison and analyse of data to assess performance locally, regionally and nationally in England.
- LG Inform - variables/info
Some examples of the data available include:
- Life expectancy at birth
- Rate of admissions caused by unintentional and deliberate injuries per 10,000 children
- Infant mortality per 1000 live births
- Percentage of children achieving a 'good level of development' at the foundation stage
UK population data
Annual population estimates for England and Wales based on the latest Census findings.
- Population data - variables/info
Statistics and estimates for the UK population
- Age
- Gender
- Geography information
Fingertips - public health data
Brings together a range of publicly available data, information, reports, tools and resources on child and maternal health into one easily accessible hub. It helps you find and use the information and evidence you need to improve decision-making as part of your planning or commissioning process.
- Fingertips
Brings together a range of publicly available data, information, reports, tools and resources on child and maternal health into one easily accessible hub. Available reports:
- Improving health outcomes for vulnerable children and young people
- Mental health in pregnancy and infants
- Teenage pregnancy and young parents
- Speech, language and communication
- Unintentional injuries in and around the home
- Unintentional injuries on the roads
- 2Originally published as part of NHS Digital Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) LG Inform standards.esd.org.uk/?uri=metricType%2F17171
- 3The proportion of all admissions that are emergency admissions seem to be higher in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland than in England. This could be related to how the figures have been recorded in each Nation.
- 4The figure for Wales displays average figures rather than totals related to the original data source.
- 5The list of units was retrieved from PICANet latest State of the Nation Report 2022, available here: www.picanet.org.uk/annual-reporting-and-publications/