Drugs and medicines


RIPE (Rapid Interpretation of Paediatric ECG) Course

01 July 2024
This course is for those who are interested to learn interpreting paediatric ECGs. This course aims to instil confidence to interpret from basic ECGs to complex ECGs with top tips to interpret most ECGs within two minutes. This course will be delivered virtually via Zoom.

Paediatric SCRIPT

Paediatric SCRIPT is an eLearning programme, which aims to improve prescribing competency and safety among specialist paediatric trainees. It is now being used by all Paediatric Schools in England.

Pill swallowing in children podcasts

How can we as paediatric health professionals support children and young people to swallow pills? In this series of educational podcasts, produced with Kidzmed, Dr Emma Lim chats with colleagues at the Great North Children's Hospital in Newcastle to explore what's gone well and what they can learn.....