Policy & Public Affairs: Ireland

Our team works with paediatricians in Northern Ireland, provides administrative support to our Ireland Executive Committee and organises meetings on the key health policy issues that impact on infants, children and young people in Northern Ireland. 

The team engages with the NI Executive, the NI Assembly, and senior policy makers within the Departments of Health, of Education and for Communities, alongside other key statutory and voluntary bodies, on RCPCH priorities. We work to push for policy change to influence key NI Executive Strategies and respond to relevant public consultations on child health. 

You can find our recent content further below.

For all enquiries, email us at enquiries.ireland@rcpch.ac.uk. Please address any mail to Northern Ireland Office, RCPCH, 5-11 Theobalds Road, London WC1X 8SH). You can call us on 028 9693 6901 / 6902.

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