Examinations - resources to support your revision

Planning to sit your theory, MRCPCH Clinical or DCH Clinical exams? Explore our official exam preparation resources to give yourself the best chance for success. These include free sample papers and video tips, and paid for courses and textbooks.
Woman wearing headphones and writing in notebook while looking at a laptop, in a home office environment

Free resources for our exams

Theory exams

Taking the Foundation of Practice (FOP), Theory and Science (TAS) or Applied Knowledge in Practice exam?

Here are some free RCPCH resources that may support your revision for the theory exams:

  • Syllabus - outlines the core knowledge requirements for each section of the exams, with links to the UK paediatric training curriculum
  • Sample papers - these can help test your knowledge and experience what it's like to take a computer-based exam 
  • Videos: tips from experts - these include: Four top tips, Preparation begins on the ward, Tips on the questions, See the resources

Clinical exams

Taking the MRCPCH Clinical or DCH Clinical exam?

Here are some free RCPCH resources that may support your revision for the clinical exams:

Foundation of Practice (FOP)

This exam tests your knowledge of conditions frequently encountered in paediatric practice. If you are taking the Diploma in Child Health, you will need to pass the FOP exam.

Here are some RCPCH resources that may support your revision for FOP:

Theory and Science (TAS)

This exam tests the scientific principles on which clinical practice is based.

Here are some RCPCH resources that may support your revision for TAS:

Applied Knowledge in Practice (AKP)

This exam tests the knowledge, understanding and clinical decision making abilities needed to enter specialty training.

Here are some RCPCH resources that may support your revision for AKP:

MRCPCH Clinical

This is the final element of the MRCPCH (membership of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health). It assesses whether candidates have reached the standard in clinical skills expected of a newly appointed Specialty Trainee 4 (ST4). It is held in hospital sites.

Here is an RCPCH resource that may support your revision for MRCPCH Clinical:

DCH Clinical

This exam assesses attainment of the clinical skills expected of a newly appointed General Practitioner (GP) who has completed a short period of training in paediatrics. It is held online.

Here are some RCPCH resources that may support your revision for DCH Clinical:

All exams: upcoming courses and workshops

We offer courses and workshops throughout the year on exam preparation. These all have an online component so you can join from your home or workplace wherever you are in the world.

Note: Other organisations provide resources aimed at candidates for our exams, and you may wish to explore these too. We do not review external resources and cannot attest to their accuracy or currency. Ensure you use RCPCH guidance as your point of reference.