The updated MSF form (MSF+) is shorter, without numerical ratings. It is mapped to the RCPCH Progress+ curriculum domains. It will facilitate meaningful feedback from a wider range respondents, in a concise and user-friendly way.
This has been available on RCPCH ePortfolio since Monday 4 December 2023.
After that date, the old MSF (called ePaedMSF) will no longer be available to begin - although existing forms can be used for a further eight weeks to allow for responses.
The GMC requirement for “colleague feedback” requires that “the doctor completes a self-assessment as part of the process” and that data is “based on anonymised answers from everyone who took part.” (GMC, 2020)
The MSF has evolved from the Sheffield Peer Review Assessment Tool (SPRAT) (Archer, Norcini & Davies, 2005) and is designed to elicit qualitative assessment data of a doctor’s performance over time, in everyday practice. The 2023 version of the MSF (MSF+) has been radically re-designed following evaluation and research of the tool carried out on behalf of the RCPCH Training and Quality team in collaboration with paediatric doctors in training. The new iteration of the form is shorter, more flexible, and is mapped directly to the language of the Progress+ curriculum.
A long term project assessing the validity and reliability of Multi Source Feedback (MSF) was completed in 2023 and has resulted in a full revision of this tool to bring it into alignment with the Progress+ Curriculum and respond to the concerns that the tool was too lengthy for users.
We will continually evaluate the performance of the new MSF+ tool, and we welcome your feedback to the Training & Quality team on
Some of our Trainee Committee feed back on their experiences of using the MSF+ below:
"I think the increase in volume of free-text comments is far more helpful to for both trainees and trainers to get an understanding of performance and people's perspective on you. I like the new MSF"
"I think the new MSF form has been well received by trainees. I don't think the numerical values added much compared to the written feedback"
"The free text comments are much more valuable in terms of development. The MSF+ form has been well received by trainees - definitely preferred to previous version"