

Progress+ - frequently asked questions

RCPCH Progress+ is our two-level, run through specialty training programme, and it's live as of 1 August 2023. It's our response to the Shape of training review, and now approved by GMC. Building on the RCPCH Progress curriculum (2018), Progress+ is flexible, fulfilling and fit-for-purpose. Here ...

Trainee toolkit - by trainees, for trainees

Make the most of your paediatric training. This document for trainees (and their trainers) covers the essential elements on what to expect from a training post. We have also provided examples of good practice - aiming to reflect variation across the country - that showcase how different centres look...

RCPCH START - guidance for trainees by trainees

START means Specialty Trainee Assessment of Readiness for Tenure, and is for trainees in level 3 training. Written by trainees and the START team, this is an an informal insight into the assessment. We aim to help you understand its format and make the most of the learning opportunities.

RCPCH START - guidance for trainees

START means Specialty Trainee Assessment of Readiness for Tenure. It guides postgraduate doctors in training as they prepare for completion of training and practice as a new consultant paediatrician. Find out how to check your eligibility, apply and pay for START and how the assessment fits in wi...

RCPCH ePortfolio guidance for doctors

Doctors in UK paediatric training programme (trainees) and doctors in paediatrics (non training grade) can use RCPCH ePortfolio to record learning in all its forms and settings to monitor progress against the curriculum. It is is mandatory for all in UK training posts and strongly recommended for an...

Training guide

From recruitment to certification... this is your RCPCH guide to paediatric specialty training in the UK. It covers your annual review of competence progression (ARCP) and the varied options for your training.