
We use our members' expertise and experience to promote child health and inform our responses to current news.

Tribute to Gordon Herbert Denney, Hon. FRCPCH

Gordon Denney (1928-2024) had a distinguished career with the City of London Corporation and the Worshipful Company of Gardeners. In his retirement Gordon was the honorary administrator of the National Reye's Syndrome Foundation UK which provided support for research into this rare but devastating c...

Epilepsy12 Youth Advocates awarded the Patient and Public Involvement Hero Award by HQIP

On 20 June 2023, the Epilepsy12 Youth Advocates were announced as joint winners of the Patient and Public Involvement Hero Award by the Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP). The award is one of five Clinical Audit Heroes Awards that are announced during the 2023 Clinical Audit Awareness...

RCPCH responds to the Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People (NICCY) report on paediatric waiting lists

Today, the RCPCH responds to this NICCY report which examined the length of time children and young people are waiting to access appointments, the current reporting systems, the impact of delayed care and factors which contribute to paediatric waiting times across Northern Ireland.

A snapshot of general paediatric and neonatal services: benchmarking for improvement and recovery

Two new reports have been released outlining the findings of a snapshot survey of the UK's general paediatric and neonatal services and workforce in September 2019. The reports provide a pre-COVID benchmark and give recommendations to government, service planners and other decision makers about how ...

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