
We use our members' expertise and experience to promote child health and inform our responses to current news.

RCPCH responds to Government’s review of on 20mph limits and low traffic neighbourhoods in England

The Government has recently set out a strategy in which they will review the guidance on 20mph limits and low traffic neighbourhoods in England. Reports now say that the Government is preparing to stop English councils from introducing new 20mph speed limits.

Epilepsy12 Youth Advocates awarded the Patient and Public Involvement Hero Award by HQIP

On 20 June 2023, the Epilepsy12 Youth Advocates were announced as joint winners of the Patient and Public Involvement Hero Award by the Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP). The award is one of five Clinical Audit Heroes Awards that are announced during the 2023 Clinical Audit Awareness...

RCPCH responds to EHRC report ‘Children’s rights in Great Britain’

Equality and Human Rights Commission’s report to the United Nations raises a number of concerns on the health, wellbeing and living standards of children in England and Wales.

Paediatricians reassure parents MMR vaccines are lifesaving, and call on government to publish overdue vaccination strategy

On Tuesday 1 February, UKHSA published concerning data that the UK once again has not met the WHO targets for Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccination, and indeed the situation is getting worse, with now 1 in 10 children over the age of 5 at risk of measles.

Paediatricians launch landmark report on gastrointestinal, liver and nutritional disorders facing children and young people

Children and young people around the four countries of the UK with gastrointestinal, liver and nutritional disorders face a wide variation of support when it comes to getting out of hours or 24/7 emergency care says the British Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (BSPHGA...

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